1. Fix in position using a wedge: "the door was wedged open".
2. Force into a narrow space.
Wedged was a project where stories from Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Codas were shared about times where their Deaf culture has allowed deep connection or disconnection with others. These are stories of people wedged in & between Deaf & hearing cultures, stories of their struggles and triumphs in trying to have meaningful relationships. The book I created was filled with powerful stories which show not only what it means to be wedged, but what it means to be a person trying to make connections with other people, with family, friends, & co-workers.
The compiled book was shown with 3 projected videos that created an environment where hearing people were wedged between 3 people conversing in ASL. In order for visitors to engage in the stories present within the books, they had to obstruct the projected conversation that they were wedged in between.